Celebrating National Physical Therapy Month

In the month of October, we pause to salute a select group of our medical colleagues known for saintly patience and inextinguishable optimism… physical therapists. Surely no one deserves recognition more than those who teach and train hurting bodies to work properly again while casting a vision of a healthy future for patients who are working through physical and emotional pain, discouragement, and major life changes. 

Thank you, physical therapy practitioners. Your friends here at Trek admire and salute you!

Origins of National Physical Therapy Month

We’ve all heard the expression, “Use it or lose it.” When it comes to our physical health, failure to nourish and use our muscles will certainly lead to a decline in our health. Did you know you can reduce the likelihood of experiencing the following ailments simply by getting physically stronger?

  • Dementia
  • Heart disease
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Obesity
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Some cancers

Every October, which is also known as National Physical Therapy Month, physical therapy clinics, practitioners, and patients celebrate the quality-of-life giving work of physical therapists and remind us all to “Choose to Move.” 

We’re joining in the MOVEment too…but how? Should we hike a trail? Spin on a dance floor? Pedal a bike path? Since we’ve got a whole month to choose to move, maybe we’ll try them all!  

Physical Therapy

Physical Therapists Deserve Recognition

Often, physical therapists are unsung heroes in the journey to recovery and wellness. They not only teach patients how to regain function and mobility after an injury or a surgery, but they pick them up when they fall- both physically and emotionally. 

Their Training is Intense

The physical therapist’s career begins with 6- 8 years of higher education, and a doctoral degree. Additional credentials, such as board certification, require an additional 2,000+ hours of clinical work. Some physical therapists also choose to specialize in one of a number of areas: geriatrics, sports, pediatrics, neurology, or cardiovascular/pulmonary care. 

Their Work is Exhausting

In the hospitals, clinics, home health services, universities, and schools where physical therapists can be found, you’ll see them on their feet, working with one patient at a time.  Each patient is evaluated and provided with a personalized plan for meeting his or her health and mobility goals. These goals are achieved in regular sessions and through assigned on-their-own exercises. Full recovery and the return to an excellent quality of life hinges upon willingness to engage in the exercises and care plans the therapists design and the tasks they are asked to complete in each session.

Their Hearts are Enormous

Great therapists have a can-do attitude and thick skin. Patients who are being physically and mentally stretched and challenged while they are in pain may be irritable or discouraged, and their progress may be slow. The physical therapist doesn’t take this personally, but works patiently with each client, collaborating with the patient to achieve optimal health. At each step along the way, he celebrates the progress made toward reaching those goals. 

For all that they do for us, physical therapists deserve our thanks and admiration, not only in October, but throughout the year!

Join in the Celebration

In your clinic, collect and share success stories of patients who are making progress and the therapists who are making an impact. Throw a party. Give an award. Achievement and success deserve celebration, and celebration is always better when it brings everyone together! Share these both in-house and with the world through social media and your company website. 

Look for like-minded community connections and form alliances with schools, medical practices, hospitals, nursing homes, and more. Use these connections as platforms for further education and civic involvement for the good of the whole community. 

If you’re a therapist and are looking for some great resources to promote a physically active lifestyle, check out the Choose PT Toolkit with great downloadable infographics to share with your clients. Why not expand the reach of your skills by hosting a seminar, either online or in person, to further educate your community about healthy, active living?

If you appreciate the physical therapist in your life, let him know. A personalized note of thanks or verbalizing it face-to-face at your next session will provide valuable encouragement and the impetus to keep providing excellent patient care.

Ultimately, one of the best ways to celebrate National Physical Therapy Month is simply getting up and moving. Taking good care of your physical health through active living is the ultimate goal. Why wait until there’s an injury or health problem? Get physical now by trying out a new exercise…or get together with some friends to introduce them to your favorite hiking trail or bike path.

Let your Physical Therapy Career Take You Places

Are you a physical therapist looking to expand your career options? At Trek Healthcare Staffing, we can connect you to fulfilling work and new adventures through travel healthcare. Give us a call. We’d love to tell you more about the opportunities that await.

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