Looking to make a change? Here’s How to Pick Your Next Healthcare Staffing Agency

There are times in life when you just need a change, especially when it comes to your healthcare career and you might be wondering how to pick your next health staffing agency. Changes in your job may need to occur because of a lack of advancement opportunities, personality conflicts, or you simply need a change to your routine. There is often a feeling of excitement and anticipation when you finally decide that it is time to find something different. While that excitement may have you amped up to make a move, doing some research on all of your options will prove useful to you in the future.

The healthcare industry is forever changing, and executives of healthcare systems must adapt to those changes. Employment changes are one of the largest challenges faced by executives. There is an ongoing shortage of people, patients demanding more flexibility, and government requirements. Healthcare staffing agencies are frequently used to fill in the gaps allowing health system leaders to address staffing concerns. It also creates fantastic opportunities for those working with an agency to find a position that works best for them. Choosing the agency that meets your needs is important. Here are a few things to consider when you begin the search for change.

How to Pick Your Next Healthcare Staffing Agency – They Want to Know You

While it takes time to build an ongoing relationship, there are some identifiers that can signify a good or bad one from the beginning. The most important thing in having a good working relationship with someone is being on the same page. This requires you to know one another and understand goals and expectations. A good staffing agency will not see you simply as the words on your resume. They will want to know things about you like:

  • Goals – short and long term
  • The types of positions you find most interesting.
  • Geographic areas in which you would like to work.
  • Length of contracts you would prefer to have.

Variety is the Spice of Life

You may be searching for a position as a CNA, lab tech, pharmacy tech, physical therapist, nurse, or provider. Staffing agencies often have opportunities for all of these types of positions. This becomes especially important if you are thinking of improving your education and taking on a different role. You may be currently working as a CNA but are taking classes to become an RN. You may be a nurse specializing in primary care but are interested in a different specialty. Agencies that have variety provide lots of opportunities for you to move into different fields and sometimes different positions.

How to Pick Your Next Healthcare Staffing Agency

Future Plans Have Been Made

You are searching for a change in your career. Healthcare staffing agencies are generally a good way to find that change. However, make certain the agency you select has plenty of jobs available for you. This will ensure that your income is not impacted by downtime between contracts. Ask questions about the types of contracts they have for the next two years. This will give you an idea of how much planning they have done to ensure their employees have continued work available to them.

They Like to Go to Places

One of the best things about a healthcare staffing agency is they often have opportunities outside of your geographic region. If you are hoping to travel as part of this new change, ask about where they have available positions. You may just wish to travel close to home or you may have a strong desire to explore other parts of the country. Knowing which types of contracts they offer will help you in the final decision-making process.

Money, Money, Money, Money

There is a saying that money makes the world go around. While not everyone is on board with that theory, it is true that money certainly makes life easier. You have worked hard to get where you are now. When you are evaluating a healthcare staffing agency, you want to know you are getting paid adequately. Your pay not only includes your salary but also any other benefits you will receive. Do some research on similar organizations by talking to people or using industry statistics. People are often nervous to discuss this, but it is crucial for both you and the employer. Circling back to the relationship-building topic, this discussion allows you to be on the same page.

Maintain a Healthy Relationship

All relationships are great in the beginning. Everything is new and shiny, and things seem to be wonderful. Any relationship, including professional ones, must be maintained. When evaluating a new healthcare agency, ask about how they review their employees. Do they offer any ongoing education to their staff? Are there opportunities to provide feedback to the company about issues? These types of questions may feel awkward, but they could help you make a final decision in deciding which healthcare agency is best for you.

The healthcare industry is one of the leading employers in the United States. It also allows you to move and grow into many different positions. Working for a healthcare staffing agency gives you even more opportunities for change without actually changing employers. Finding the right agency to partner with you to reach your goals will allow you to be happy in your career.

Having an agency like Trek Healthcare Staffing as a partner in your next career move will allow you to create the change you are looking for. Contact us to get started.

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