National Self-Improvement Month

The self-improvement industry in the United States is predicted to generate over $13 billion this year. You read that correctly, $13 billion! Whether we desire more effective communication, want to use our time more productively, or hope to invest more wisely in our futures, Americans love personal growth. We’re so enamored with the idea that September has been deemed National Self-Improvement Month. During these thirty days, we are challenged to collectively look inward, evaluate our lives, and take action to grow and enhance our day-to-day experiences. Are you up for the challenge? Trek Healthcare Staffing has compiled a list of some of the most popular resources to help you become your best self.

Books for Self-Improvement 

Self-help books have long enjoyed popularity, and the perennial favorite topics include personal growth, relationships, and spiritual matters. The books listed here have been popular and impactful for some time. If you have one of them collecting dust on your bookshelf, brush it off and enjoy the life-changing insights you’ll gain. If not, stop by your favorite bookstore, where they are sure to be in stock.

  1. The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho
  2. Atomic Habits by James Clear
  3. Thinking Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman
  4. Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl
  5. How to Stop Worrying and Start Living by Dale Carnegie
  6. Daring Greatly by Brene Brown
  7. The 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman
  8. Deep Work by Cal Newport
  9. The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale
  10. The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle

These impactful books touch on universal topics, from healthy relationships to the establishment of healthy thought patterns and habits. Each offers transformational wisdom to help you celebrate National Self-Improvement Month.

Podcasts for Self-Improvement 

If the pace of life makes it difficult to sit down and read a book from cover to cover, why not turn to one of the many podcasts that are positively impacting the self-improvement industry. As a bonus, podcasts are current and their libraries of episodes are continuously growing. 

  1. Interested in learning the science behind happiness? Check out Dr. Laurie Santos’ The Happiness Lab.
  2. Does your mind (and perhaps your home) feel cluttered? Joshua Fields Milburn and Ryan Nicodemus are The Minimalists and can help you become one too.
  3. Do you enjoy hearing from those who have achieved in various areas of their lives On Purpose? Listen to Jay Shetty’s interviews with thought leaders across a myriad of industries. 
  4. Want to keep your mind sharp and improve your mental acuity? Jim Kwik provides tips and tools to strengthen your gray matter in Kwik Brain.
  5. Have you ever wished you were more articulate or effective in your communication with others? Speak Up with Laura Camacho can equip you with the tools you need to do just that. 

Just as with the book recommendations, this list of podcasts barely scratches the surface of the wonderful resources for self-improvement. Try these out, and then do a search for others that address the specific areas in which you would like to grow.

National Self-Improvement Month

Apps for Self-Improvement 

It’s hard to say whether podcasts or apps are leading the way in the self-improvement industry. Both are experiencing exponential growth in number and quality of options, and that means that we all benefit as we seek to become the best version of ourselves we can be.

When it comes to selecting an app, it helps to begin by asking yourself, “What area of my life do I want to focus on improving?” The apps target specific aspects of life, and you’ll get the most benefit from those that address what matters to you.

  1. Healthy eating- MyFitnessPal
  2. Organization-
  3. Reading- Scribd
  4. Current events- The Week
  5. Saving money- Mint
  6. Achieving goals- Strides
  7. Meditation- SImpleHabit
  8. Breaking bad habits- HabitBull
  9. Developing a hobby- Skillshare
  10. Learning a language- Babbel

Self-improvement apps are always doing just that. Additionally, with the convenience and ever-present accessibility of our smartphones, any five-minute break in our days can be used to help us grow.

Proven Strategies for Self-Improvement

Sure, a month dedicated to self-improvement draws our attention and focus on our own growth and development, but self-improvement doesn’t have to begin or end in September. Keeping a growth mindset throughout the year can lead to the discovery of new talents and interests, greater mental and physical health, and better quality of life and relationships. 

How can you live with a growth mindset? Glad you asked!

  1. Learn something every day. Keep your mind and body sharp by trying new things. Learn a skill, listen to an expert, observe the world around you, and read more.
  2. Develop good habits. Creating a new habit takes time and consistency. Choose to practice the habit daily until it becomes automatic, whether that be healthy eating, exercise, or taking the initiative in building relationships.
  3. Rest. We aren’t automatons. Our minds and bodies require downtime and sleep for maximum functioning. Don’t let guilt or a sense of urgency about tasks leave you feeling sluggish. You’ll think more clearly and be more present if you are getting adequate rest.
  4. Be selective about input. You can find plenty of depressing stories and disheartening news everywhere you look. Limit the amount of negativity you expose yourself to and look for every opportunity to fill your mind with uplifting and positive messages. Everything we consume impacts our state of mind.
  5. Keep a journal. Not only does reflecting on your thoughts and experiences help you decompress and process throughout your day, but it also has the added benefit of reducing stress, improving mental acuity, and helping you focus on achieving your goals.

Self-improvement through a meaningful career

At Trek Healthcare Staffing, we take pride in helping medical personnel grow professionally and personally. When your career is fulfilling, meaningful, and allows you to utilize your skills and talents effectively, patient care and outcomes improve, and we all become better together. 

Could your ultimate National Self-Improvement Month goal include taking that first step toward a new and rewarding career? If so, we would love to talk with you. Give us a call today to see if one of our traveling healthcare opportunities is exactly the career change you’ve been looking for.

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