Take Time to Unwind: It’s Stress Awareness Month

Saving lives is serious business, and along with the work comes a considerable amount of stress, especially when you add the dynamics of a busy pace of life and the demands of family life into the mix.

Of course, we know that stress isn’t good for us- we’re medical professionals, after all- but KNOWING better doesn’t always translate into DOING better. Whether you’re thinking, “No not me. I’m not stressed. I can handle it,” or “Of course I’m stressed, but I’ll deal with this later, after X, Y, and Z are accomplished, the team at Trek Healthcare Staffing encourages you to take advantage of Stress Awareness Month in April and set aside some time to care for your most important asset…yourself!

What’s Happening Within Us When We Are Stressed?

Stress is something humanity hasn’t yet learned how to ignore.  It may not manifest in the same fashion from one person to the next, but you can be assured, no matter who you are, stress has an impact on you physically, mentally, and emotionally.

Emotional Impact of Stress

Some people appear to “shut down” during times of stress. Their emotions become flat an they work with robotic automaticity. Others worry, fear, grow frustrated or angry, or experience sadness. These emotions impact relationships and performance in negative ways, which only exacerbate the stress you’re feeling and its impact.

Physical Impact of Stress

The emotions invoked by stress will play out in your body physically. You may suddenly struggle with insomnia as you toss and turn all night. You may still get the same hours of sleep as before, but find they are no longer adequate, a sense of lethargy plagues your day. Your appetite may diminish, or you could find yourself constantly craving rich, comforting foods. Worry and anxiety often lead to abdominal pain and intestinal issues, as well as muscle aches or tension headaches. Energy and stamina may also decrease, or anger can fuel you to work harder and more passionately than you ever have before.

Mental Impact of Stress

A prolonged state of stress keeps your body operating in crisis mode, with adrenaline and cortisol coursing through your veins. While these hormones are vital for getting us through an emergency, they accelerate the heart rate, increase blood pressure, and energize you. They also slow down body systems not needed for handling a crisis, such as the digestive and reproductive systems.

Over time, the net effect can include difficulties in cognitive function, life-threatening heart issues, weight gain, and susceptibility to anxiety and depressive disorders.

What are the Long-term Effects of Stress?

A prolonged state of stress keeps your body operating in crisis mode, with adrenaline and cortisol coursing through your veins. While these hormones are vital for getting us through an emergency, they accelerate the heart rate, increase blood pressure, and energize you. They also slow down body systems not needed for handling a crisis, such as the digestive and reproductive systems.

Over time, the net effect can include difficulties in cognitive function, life-threatening heart issues, weight gain, and susceptibility to anxiety and depressive disorders.

How Can We Manage Stress in the Short Term?

Lifestyle changes can take some time to build into a habit, but there’s no reason you can’t begin taking control of the stress in your life today. 

Stop. Take moments throughout your days to slow down and concentrate on just one task at a time. This can be accomplished as a part of your daily routine. Try sitting down for a cup of coffee or a meal instead of eating it on the run as you do five other tasks. Turn off the electronics and soak in the quiet. Find a park bench and observe nature around you. As you do, feel your muscles relax, your breathing deepens, and your heart rate slows. 

Observe. Examine your own physical and mental states. Is there pain? Angst? Evaluate your symptoms and gauge your stress level. Now reflect on the causes behind those stress- related symptoms. Seek solutions to your sources of stress.

For a helpful tool to help assess your present stress level and its effects, this quiz can help you self-evaluate. 

Make small changes. The most practical starting place for initiating change is within yourself. Whether you cut out late night snacking or start going to bed half an hour earlier every night, these little adjustments can make a big difference. Consider the things that bring you joy. How can you fit them into your life more frequently? Schedule these things into your calendar and honor your commitment to yourself as an absolute. 

Say “no.” We face choices daily. Will I do this or that? Eat this or that? Go here or there?  Every time we say “yes” to something, we are saying “no” to something else. Consider what you are giving up when you say “yes” to something out of a sense of obligation. Truly consider the cost, in terms of time, financial obligations, mental load, and the loss of that other option. Is it worth it to say “yes”?

Make the Most of Stress Awareness Month

Facing stress is such an ever-present part of our days that we need Stress Awareness Month to help us stop and take stock of our own lives. During this month-long emphasis, why not help your whole team or unit get on the path to healthier living with these ideas. 

  • Provide coworkers with relaxation gifts or goodie bags.
  • Bring in a yoga instructor for a free session.
  • Host a luncheon for the staff.
  • Revamp internal processes for simplification.
  • Host round tables or open office hours where employees can discuss their needs and concerns freely.
  • Offer counseling and mental/emotional health support services in-house.
  • Get to know the greatest stressors of your coworkers’ lives and personalize the support and care to help with their specific needs/ season of life.

At Trek, we want to see you thrive, not just during Stress Awareness Month, but all year long. If your key stressor is an overwhelming job and you’re ready for incredible new opportunities that can take you literally anywhere, we would love to help you make the transition into travel nursing. Give us a call today to find out more. 

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